Saturday, June 21, 2014

Phoenix, OR–Jun 21, 2014–Crater Lake

The Crater Lake web site said the weather was going to be clear today so we decided on a visit.  From our RV park its about an hour and a half drive. Although its been years since either Deb or I had been to the lake, it looked the same.


We walked along the rim path and a Clark’s Nutcracker landed next to usjust off the trail.


We left the path to walk over to the Crater Lake Lodge to see what their lunch menu look like.  It look expensive with a salad at $11 and salmon $34 so we decided we weren’t that hungry.  Debbie walking from the dinning room toward the gift shop.


Debbie leaving the visitor center.


I wonder if he wakes up with a stiff neck.


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About Us

The Normans are Debbie, Jim and Ty the cat. The Horizon is our Itasca Horizon Motorhome. We spend the summers in cool northern Washington and travel through the warm south during the winter. We spend time in the spring and fall at our home in northern California as we pass by by.

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