Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Aztec RV, Mesa

We arrive here late afternoon and checked-in at the office. When I made the reservation, they assigned me space F51 but told me I could change sites if I didn’t like the site.  As they anticipated, I didn’t like the site. In fact, the site was so narrow I don’t think I could get into it.  As I got out to take a look, two residents came over and they also thought the site was too small. I called the office and they couldn’t tell me where another site was available.  Finally they said find an empty site and just park in it. One of the residents had ridden his bike around and found a site which we ended up in.  


The Aztec turned out to be designed as a mobile home residence park and was full of park model homes. They rent out the vacant sites to RVs. We barely were able to back into our site due to the narrow street, palm trees, and utilities.  The lots are short and backed in as far as possible, we still stuck out over the sidewalk.

Aztectree                  Aztecpower

You can see the tree on one side and the four inches of clearance at the utility post.

The worst part was the water facet, which was under the frame with a few inches of Aztecwaterclearance.  The Horizon has an airbag suspension system which raises it up about five inches. When we park we dump the air and the Horizon lower about five inches.  Did what I though was a smart thing. I lowered the jacks down so when the air was dumped, the Horizon only lowered to just above the facet without hit it. When it was time to leave I realized I should have left the bags inflated. To re-inflate the bags you have to store the jacks and they raise right away and then the airbags slowly fill.  If I just did that, then the Horizon would drop down and hit. Just above the facet are some electrical junctions and what I believe is a large emissions canister.  If I hadn’t dumped the airbags, they would just started re-inflating and then I could have stored the jacks. I finally decided to try blocking the frame. I lowered the rear jacks until the frame was on the blocks while Debbie watched to make sure the blocks stopped the Horizon before hitting. It did. Now I was able to ‘store’ the jacks and the airbags inflated and raised the Horizon so we could drive off.

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About Us

The Normans are Debbie, Jim and Ty the cat. The Horizon is our Itasca Horizon Motorhome. We spend the summers in cool northern Washington and travel through the warm south during the winter. We spend time in the spring and fall at our home in northern California as we pass by by.

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