Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Another Week

Last week during our bike ride we stopped at a pet store where Blake purchased a feathered cat toy. One of his two Ragdoll cats, Yammi, loves feathered toys.

Yammi Bolo doing his dog imitation

The toy lasted about two minutes as Yammi grabbed the toy and thus began a tug-a-war which ended with Blake holding the stick end of the six dollar toy and Yammi running to his bed to play with the feather end. Blake pulled out the hot melt glue gun and made a repair. It was still intact when last seen in Spragga's mouth as he grabbed it and ran off to the office.

Spragga Benz about to make his getaway

Spragga is the other Ragdoll. Neither of the cats use their claws. Ever! They had to grab the toy with both paws and then with their mouth. At different times during our visit they jumped on the arm of the couch and slowly slid off as they tried to hold on with just their paws, but, not using their claws!

Just down the street from our home is an extensive county-wide trail system. I used it to ride to work on my bike from time to time. Frank, a co-worker, had commented that I liked the idea of riding my bike to work more than actually riding. Anyway, now I am walking on the trail with Tim, a friend and neighbor.

Tim on the trail

We try to get out once a day for around an hour or so unless one of us can think of a new excuse.

A tree along our walk.

In our area of California the trees are still in the process of turning.

This week we had a birthday party for Brad. At the birthday boy's request, Debbie made a burrito bar .

Debbie in the kitchen putting candles in the cheese cake

Mom, Stacey, Blake, Brad, Jill, Steve

Jill, Steve, Debbie, Robin, Stacey and Blake

At the party was my mom and sister Jill. Number three son Brad. Number two son Blake and his wife Stacey. Steve and Robin Brad's friends.

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About Us

The Normans are Debbie, Jim and Ty the cat. The Horizon is our Itasca Horizon Motorhome. We spend the summers in cool northern Washington and travel through the warm south during the winter. We spend time in the spring and fall at our home in northern California as we pass by by.

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