Monday, November 02, 2009

Dog, Cat and Driftwood

This is Valley Freightliner who is servicing our RV chassis before we start the trip back to the San Francisco Bay Area. They are performing a major service 127 OCTBLOG

that will take about 17 hours plus oil and filter changes on the Cummings diesel and Onan generator. We dropped the RV off at 7am on Oct 27th and then lived out of our car with the cat until a little after 8pm that evening. We were able to “live” in the motorhome parked in their lot for the night. I didn’t know you could rev up a diesel engines that high or that loud at 3am in the morning yet, they are a 24 hour truck shop by the way! In the morning they started work on our motorhome around 7am again and we began another long day in our car.

Although its lightly raining compared to yesterday when the wind blew and it really rained, we decided to go the Post Susan’s private beach. On the way we noticed this Wolf, Coyote or dog in front of a house. Note the yellow eyes!


I forgot to put Buffalo in the title but they were out roaming the range.


We finally arrived at the beach and Ty led us down the trail.


Finally the "trailblazer" notices that there’s water at the beach. You can tell he’s bum’d by the fat tail.


I’ll stay on the driftwood and the water better stay in the Sound!


Hey! There’s sand at the beach. There is nothing a cat loves more than sand! Ops! I promised him I wouldn’t put this picture in the blog.


He should have know better he just had to ask Debbie about her pictures.

Hey! Don’t get so close to the water.


This way to the car.


Ah, nothing like home after a long day at the beach. It's way down just past the white one. Yes it’s still raining and cold at night. Around 40 degrees!


Next, we head south and meet a real mountain man along the way!

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About Us

The Normans are Debbie, Jim and Ty the cat. The Horizon is our Itasca Horizon Motorhome. We spend the summers in cool northern Washington and travel through the warm south during the winter. We spend time in the spring and fall at our home in northern California as we pass by by.

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